I am excited to announce the publishing of the first book project involving me.
The book titled “Building Websites with DotNetNuke 5” (ISBN 9928) has been authored by Ian Lackey, and Michael Washington, and published by Packt Publishing.
The book guides you through to quickly build and deploy your own feature-rich website with DotNetNuke 5, VB.NET, and C#. It also helps you to plan and migrate your DotNetNuke 4 sites to DotNetNuke 5.
Although my involvement with the book is as a technical editor, I am still pretty excited about it, this being my first book project.
Moving forward, I have a couple of proposals on writing books, but my current commitments just wont allow me to take time out for such an intensive task as book writing. I have in my mind a mock-up of the first book I would like to author, and would be looking forward to allocate time to it in the near future.
hello from turkey
I am Usha Iyer, an Acquisition Editor with Packt Publishing. As an Acquisition Editor, it is my role to evaluate, develop and ultimately bring book ideas to publication. I am also responsible for finding the right author for any book; bringing them onboard, then working with them as the book is written.
I have begun to develop a title on ‘Learning Ext JS 4’, and am now looking for an author to write this book.
You can find some more information about writing for us at Packt’s website http://www.packtpub.com/authors.
This book is a follow up to our Learning Ext JS 3.2 book which is selling well. This book covers all of the major features of the Ext framework using interactive code and clear explanation coupled with loads of screenshots. This book will help you create rich, dynamic, and AJAX-enabled web applications that look good and perform beyond the expectations of your users.
Please contact me if you are interested in writing this book and I would love to discuss the opportunity with you further.
Even if you do not want to involve yourself in the project, can you please suggest someone who may suit this project?
Email: [email protected]