Thickbox – Show on Page Load

I had a situation where I needed to show a Flash movie in a modal dialog on a Page. Needless to mention, LightBox is the first thing that strikes to mind for such purposes. However, LightBox supports only images. And I needed to show a Flash movie.A quick Google...

Enums in Javascript

UPDATE: An updated and enhanced version of this technique is available here:Enums in Javascript - Part 2 Basically, the title says it all. So, without wasting any time, let's see an example of an enum in Javascript.{syntaxhighlighter brush: jscript;fontsize: 100;...

Flash Falling Money Animation

I recently prepared a long Flash movie for one of my Client websites. The movie had the animation of Falling Currency Notes in between it.I thought I should share the Falling Money part of it on my website. So, the .fla & .swf files for the Falling Money animation...

Chit Chat
