File Browser Icon Sets for the Drupal Take Control module
I initially used FamFam Silk Icons for the File Browser, but had to later switch to GPL licensed icons due to incompatibility of Fam Fam Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license with Drupal's requirement of GPL 2 license.So, I decided to create icon sets for the...
Drupal – Take Control module Installation
The installation of my Take Control module for Drupal requires a bit more effort compared to a regular Drupal module.The following video tutorial demonstrates each step required for installation. I have used CPanel's File Manager for the purpose but the process for...
Drupal – Changing form field values in validation/submit handlers
All Drupal module developers would probably be aware of Drupal Form API's form_set_value() method, which allows you to "change submitted form values during the form processing cycle."You can use this method in the form validate handler to process a different value in...
Generating Public/Private key pairs in Drupal
While working on a major enhancement to my open-source Take Control module for Drupal (to be released soon), I needed to generate public/private keys for making secure asynchronous Ajax calls.A quick Google search revealed that PHP's Open SSL package should do the...
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException at System.Web.HttpCachePolicy.UtcSetLastModified (DateTime utcDate)
Working across timezones can have its own stupid issues. I faced one of them just now.I finished working on the initial production setup of a client ASP.NET website, and uploaded and installed it to a remote server based in United States (in the Eastern Time zone). I...
Navigation between Editable cells of an ExtJs GridPanel
I use ExtJs GridPanel extensively both for displaying tabular information as well as for data entry. Data entry with GridPanel is mostly a pain in the neck due to navigation issues between cells.You can use Tab/Shift+Tab for moving between adjacent cells. This works...
Add Images/Html in Drupal Node Titles
After some frantic hair-pulling, I finally got this to work in Drupal 6.x. Here I am presenting 2 ways to add images/Html to Drupal node titles (both based on template.php), and you can choose any of them as per your needs. There are pretty other options (including...
Custom JSON Serialization of objects using ExtJs
I thought this should be pretty easy to accomplish, with the extensive feature set that ExtJs provides. What I basically wanted to control was how the objects of my class are serialized by the Ext.util.JSON.encode (Ext.encode) method (I needed this for serialization...
Enums in Javascript – Part 2
I blogged about this topic earlier also here. That blog post presents an approach to create enums (enumerations) in javascript, exactly like those available in .NET or Java.The later portion of that blog post mentions that the approach presented is extensible, and we...
Generating markup for Drop-Down menus in Drupal
I am not presenting the actual approach here. I created this blog entry just to point to this wonderful tutorial in Drupal's official theming guide for this purpose, which describes all the steps in a clear and concise way.I came across it while creating a drop-down...
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