Ext.Net – Calendar Component CRUD operations sample
Well this is a blog entry on request (the request is here). I received a request couple of days ago on one of my earlier ExtJs Calendar Component related posts to demonstrate remote Calendar CRUD operations in Ext.Net. So Gayan (the requestor), here goes the reply.To...
Drupal – Need to include css files manually when using jquery_ui module
After my last blog post on Drupal, expect some more Drupal related blog posts related to my recent work that I have been doing in Drupal.You might be knowing that the jquery_ui contributed module is the preferred way to use jQuery UI in Drupal. This module provides...
Drupal – Altering forms upside-down
My 100th blog post, and I was thinking on the topic to choose for this blog post. I had multiple in my mind, but then decided to go back to where it all started, Drupal. My first real blog entry on this site related to my Take Control module for Drupal. So, I thought...
ExtJs components in GridPanel columns
My first blog of the new year.. Wishing all my readers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2011....Coming to the topic, I have needed to have ExtJs components in GridPanel columns many times. I have been using ExtJs components in GridPanels for sometime now, but...
PHOOP – The Object Oriented PHP framework – Sample application
Attached with this blog post is a sample application developed in the PHOOP framework discussed in the last few blog posts (here, here and here). You would find 2 files attached below, the first containing the code for the sample application, and second is the...
PHOOP – The Object Oriented PHP framework
After the design goals for the PHOOP framework, now its time to come face-to-face with the framework itself (you will find the framework files attached with this blog post).Following are the details about the framework, you need to know for developing on it. All...
PHOOP – An Object Oriented PHP framework – Design Goals
In continuation of the previous blog post on the PHOOP framework's background, I present here my design goals as I started working on the framework.I primarily wanted to enjoy the benefits of inline html/php mode of coding for a typical PHP web application, but still...
PHOOP – An Object Oriented PHP framework – Background
What, another PHP application framework... well yes... Let me give some background first.I started web development in PHP way back during my post-graduation. My first PHP project was my personal website (initially http://rahulsingla.info later enhanced and moved...
Ext.Net – Formatting DirectMethod/DirectEvent responses
This has been a feature request for Ext.Net too, i.e. to provide a configuration option somewhere that if true emits out properly formatted script generated for initial GET request and for subsequent Ajax responses (an implementation might require considerable server...
Exchange – Saving mails to delegated User’s mailbox with EWS Managed API
Microsoft Exchange allows a user to access another User's mailbox in 2 ways, Delegation and Impersonation (Check this for more details). If you have used Outlook or Outlook web Access (OWA) and shared mailboxes with other users, chances are that you used Exchange...
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