by Rahul Singla | Dec 1, 2010 | .NET 2.0+, ASP.NET, Blog, Coolite, Ext.Net, Visual Studio
I just had an immediate need for modifying the core Ext.Net scripts that are embedded into the toolkit assembly itself. Till now, I resisted all temptations for doing so earlier, instead choosing to override Ext.Net behavior when needed by including my own scripts...
by Rahul Singla | Oct 24, 2010 | Blog, Coolite, Ext.Net, ExtJs, Flash, Javascript
This blog post is more of a continuation of 2 of my earlier blog posts, Cross-browser approach to copy content to clipboard in javascript, and Copying GridPanel content to clipboard. I would advise reading of the above blog posts if you haven’t already to...
by Rahul Singla | Sep 15, 2010 | .NET 2.0+, ASP.NET, Blog, C#, Coolite, Ext.Net, Visual Studio
A couple of days ago, I was asked to figure out if it’s possible to integrate Ext.Net DirectMethods with the ASP.NET asynchronous pages to achieve scalability with long running DirectMethod calls. For the starters, if you are not aware of asynchronous pages in...
by Rahul Singla | Aug 23, 2010 | .NET 2.0+, ASP.NET, Blog, Coolite, Ext.Net, ExtJs
Its so strange that just when you begin to feel like that you know a framework or toolkit in-depth, something from the same pops-up to surprise you and force you to rethink. I recently had a similar situation with the Ext.Net toolkit, that I have been using for...
by Rahul Singla | Jul 20, 2010 | .NET 2.0+, ASP.NET, Blog, Coolite, Ext.Net, ExtJs, Javascript
I spent the better part of yesterday trying to Ajax upload a File using a Web Service and Ext.Net (formerly Coolite). Let me first explain the situation I was working in.I had a Page that renders to the browser. This page then loads appropriate UserControls from the...
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