I recently provided Amazon’s Product Advertising API integration for one of the sites I did for a client in Drupal (along with iTunes search integration etc). I have to say providing Amazon’s Product Advertising API integration was more cumbersome than integration with other such API’s available, mainly because of Amazon’s requirement of signed url requests (which basically contain SHA hash of the url for authenticating the request to Amazon), and because of far less documentation available on the Product Advertising API’s request parameters and response formats.
The major headache was generating the signed urls required for making Product API requests. Amazon itself provides an example in javascript, which I was surprised to see because you would hardly want to expose your AWS Secret Access Key to everyone through javascript. But Amazon did not provide a single example of generating the signed urls for any server-side framework.
Google search threw up a good number of ready to use examples for PHP and other server-side frameworks, and I used one of them. Unfortunately, it had some bugs and typos and I had to spend sometime getting everything in place. So, here’s the complete method for generating signed urls in PHP together with an example on how to invoke it:
{syntaxhighlighter brush: php;fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; }define(‘AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID’, ‘Your AWS Access Key ID’);
define(‘AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY’, ‘Your AWS Secret Access Key’);
define(‘AMAZON_ASSOC_TAG’, ‘Your Associate tag, leave blank if not available’);
function amazon_get_signed_url($searchTerm) {
$base_url = “http://ecs.amazonaws.com/onca/xml”;
$params = array(
‘AssociateTag’ => AMAZON_ASSOC_TAG,
‘Version’ => “2010-11-01”,
‘Operation’ => “ItemSearch”,
‘Service’ => “AWSECommerceService”,
‘Availability’ => “Available”,
‘Condition’ => “All”,
‘Operation’ => “ItemSearch”,
‘SearchIndex’ => ‘Music’, //Change search index if required, you can also accept it as a parameter for the current method like $searchTerm
‘Keywords’ => $searchTerm);
if(empty($params[‘AssociateTag’])) {
// Add the Timestamp
$params[‘Timestamp’] = gmdate(“Y-m-d\TH:i:s.\\0\\0\\0\\Z”, time());
// Sort the URL parameters
$url_parts = array();
foreach(array_keys($params) as $key)
$url_parts[] = $key . “=” . str_replace(‘%7E’, ‘~’, rawurlencode($params[$key]));
// Construct the string to sign
$url_string = implode(“&”, $url_parts);
$string_to_sign = “GET\necs.amazonaws.com\n/onca/xml\n” . $url_string;
// Sign the request
$signature = hash_hmac(“sha256”, $string_to_sign, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, TRUE);
// Base64 encode the signature and make it URL safe
$signature = urlencode(base64_encode($signature));
$url = $base_url . ‘?’ . $url_string . “&Signature=” . $signature;
return ($url);
$searchTerm = $_REQUEST[‘searchTerm’];
$url = amazon_get_signed_url($searchTerm);
//Below is just sample request dispatch and response parsing for example purposes.
$response = file_get_contents($url);
$parsed_xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
$result = array();
foreach($parsed_xml->Items->Item as $current){
if($current->ItemAttributes->ProductGroup == ‘Music’) {
$item = array(
‘track_id’ => implode(((array)$current->ASIN), ‘, ‘),
‘source’ => 1,
‘track_name’ => implode(((array)$current->ItemAttributes->Title), ‘, ‘),
‘track_url’ => implode(((array)$current->DetailPageURL), ‘, ‘),
‘artist_name’ => implode(((array)$current->ItemAttributes->Artist), ‘, ‘),
‘artist_url’ => ”,
‘collection_name’ => ”,
‘collection_url’ => ”,
‘genre’ => ”,
$result[] = $item;
Works beautifully, thanks for saving me a few(?) hours of pain 🙂
doesnt work
Thanks! you just saved me a ton of – probably quite annoying – work.
Thank you Rahul. I’ve been searching for iTunes search integration pointers and this post is by far the most instructive reference I have found. Can you share the approach/module/code you took to integrating iTunes search (both querying and presenting the json formatted response)?
Thanks Rahul! Very much appreciated!
Thanks so much man, this works great! I was having so much trouble with the Amazon Advertising API.
Question though: Is there any need to cache the results? Or is this code ok as is?
Nice example, with some tweaking, worked great for me to look up ASIN and info via UPC!
It worked fine for me.Thank you Rahul.But How can i provide add to cart button in my site
Hi, Thanks for providing this.I used this code in mylocal server nothing happen just white page coming .The control is not entering into foreach(line 61).So please say is anything have to change to get output.Please adivce me.
Hi Rahul,
Many thanks for your code, it works fine
You probably saved me a lot of time, kudos to you!
Great work – I loke you amn amazed at the sparcity of Amazons example code… Anyway, my question is regarding line 53
$searchTerm = $_REQUEST[‘searchTerm’];
$url = amazon_get_signed_url($searchTerm);
I get an undefined variable searchTerm error. I presume that this script is triggered by a html <form action = “thisexample.php” />
With a text input of id ‘search term’. Can you confirm.
Thanks bro, it was very helpful
Sir, i am tring to implement the amazon API for search prodcut in my site , but i am not get any code for this in core php…
can you please send me the code for this and tell me the what steps are to be followed for the implementation of amazon api;
Thanks & Regards
Pankaj goel
Hi, How can you put Affiliate ID in the Java Script example?
Waht is the exact parameter name?
Thank you