Attached with this blog post is a sample application developed in the PHOOP framework discussed in the last few blog posts (here, here and here). You would find 2 files attached below, the first containing the code for the sample application, and second is the database for the application.

Here are the steps to extract and run the application. The database backend being used is MySql but PHOOP itself does not enforce any DBMS.

  1. Create a database called phoop_sample in MySql.
  2. If you are using phpMyAdmin or another MySql interaction utility, you can easily restore the database by importing the attached phoop_sample.sql_.gz file. You can also extract the sql file and run the sql manually against the newly created database.
  3. Extract under a folder in your web-server root (any of Apache or IIS should be fine).
  4. Open the “Includes\” file from the extracted zip, and follow the comments to specify appropriate configuration.
  5. Browse to the application in your browser (it should be http://localhost/phoop in most cases, if you extracted in web-server root, and did not change the folder name).
  6. The username/password for accessing the admin section is admin/admin.

Browse around in the application, and then open the source code to analyze what’s happening. The sample application should demonstrate all of the design goals at work and should help you understand the framework features discussed in the previous blog post.

A disclaimer is in order here. The sample application is a modified subset of an enterprise app I coded using the PHOOP framework. It is intended to be used solely as a demonstration for the PHOOP framework, and should not be used for any other purpose. Furthermore, all data in the database is randomly generated using PHP’s rand function, and any resemblance is purely co-incidental.