Hello, I Am Rahul Singla
Aviator at heart, Developer by choice, Managing Director by profession
Life is beautiful…
Try to visualize the good hidden in every moment of life & you realize its worth living on this earth.
I try to live by this quote but unfortunately the time one is that tends to get the better out of me on majority of the occasions.
I run Imbibe Technologies, an Independent Software Solutions Vendor and an IT Consulting company. I used to teach kids programming and still love taking up the marker on a whiteboard whenever I get a chance.
In college days, I was a university topper, stage performer (dance, debates etc), top-rated NCC cadet, state level shooter, national level flyer and the like 🙂
Life’s been mostly nerdy since. And I do enjoy tinkering away at computers producing digital artefacts that power businesses and make consumers happy.
I use this site to mostly publish my learnings with life and machines (well machines mostly :P) which I hope are of use to the community.
I can be reached at [email protected].

That’s the core of who I am professionally. Passionate about code. Someone who sees the process of writing code as an art and science at the same time.


Advice companies (big and small, including Fortune 500 ones) on their IT projects including overseeing development of internal as well as outsourced projects.

Running a business invariably comes with overseeing its Sales and Marketing efforts. Guide, monitor and/or advice for the same at Imbibe, Veg Platter, and a few clients.

Cloud & Servers
Automation excites me. And using scripts to build, deploy and monitor servers (on-prem as well as cloud) is so gratifying.
Come, let’s meet over Coffee
If you have a problem or a project you would like to discuss, please call to schedule an appointment.Address
When I am not travelling, I can be found at: 96, Sector – 6, Karnal – 132001 Haryana.
Please call +91-184-4035666 for scheduling an appointment. I can be reached over email at [email protected].